Vereniging van Scheikundig Ingenieurs Eindhoven (VSI/e)

The VSI/e (Association of Chemical Engineers Eindhoven) is the alumni association for graduates from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry of the Eindhoven University of Technology. The association was founded on the 10th of May 1994 and has about 600 members.

The most important goals of the VSI/e are to improve contact between the engineers of Eindhoven among themselves and to maintain the connection between graduates, the TU/e and the department. That goal is supported by an enormous network of engineers that graduated in Eindhoven. The value of this network for the members of the VSI/e is substantial for acquiring both professional and social contacts. Members of the VSI/e will be kept up to date on the ins and outs of the department and you will also get the chance to meet the other members, and thus your old friends, at one of the activities organized by the VSI/e. Regarding these activities, one can think about a career evening with several speakers, a fun workshop, lectures, a reunion or a general members meeting. The VSI/e represents engineers from Eindhoven not only within but also outside of the TU/e.

The yearly contribution is only € 20,-. Click here for more information about the VSI/e and here in order to directly subscribe and become a member of the VSI/e.