FMC: Tag ‘em and bag ‘em!

Wednesday 26 February, 19:00–21:00
Target group: Freshmen
Participant contribution: €6.00
Mandatory payment before subscriptions close: no

Freshmen, get ready for the ultimate night of fun and entertainment - it’s time for Laser tag! Come join us for the second FMC activity of the year, Tag ‘em and bag ‘em! to start this quartile on a high! Whether you’ll be sneaking up on opponents, dodging laser beams, or celebrating a well-earned victory, you’re sure to have a blast with your fellow freshmen. For this activity, you can either meet us directly there, at Laser Quest Eindhoven, or cycle with us from Helix. Be sure to bring your A-game and because missing those targets is not an option!

  • Location: Laser Quest Eindhoven
  • Minimum participants: 10
  • Maximum participants: 20 (Draw will take place in case of oversubscription via our Domestic Regulations)
  • Subscription deadline: Tuesday 25 February, 14:00
  • Draw date: Tuesday 25 February, 15:00

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