[SAVE THE DATE] - ONCS 2025: The Deathly Halides
Wednesday 28 May, 16:30 – Friday 30 May, 17:00
Target group: Everyone who likes to have fun!!!
An academic year is not complete without the most amazing event of the year, the ONCS!
This year, chemists from all around the Netherlands will come together in Amsterdam to fight and determine which association is the best. Will you help Japie conquer the ONCS trophy for the first time since 2015? Participating you will also get a fantastic unique ONCS goodie!
The ONCS will start here in Eindhoven with the traditional Pre-ONCS drink where the board will give away a keg of beer.
After the drink we will go by train to Amsterdam and enjoy the first evening of the ONCS in Amsterdam. On Thursday the sport events will start and the association will compete against many other chemical and chemical engineering associations. In the evening there will be an awesome party and of course the traditional beer relays.
On Friday the finals will be played and afterwards the winner of the ONCS will be announced.
There will several sports to play. They are listed below. You can subscribe for a team in the Japieroom on a first come first serve basis!
The sports:
- Basketball (team of 6 + 2 reserves)
- Bar Games (2 teams of 2)
- Board games (team of 2)
- Bounceball (team of 4 + 2 reserves)
- Dodgeball (team of 9 + 2 reserves)
- Football (team of 6 + 2 reserves)
- Handball (team of 7 + 2 reserves)
- Kubb (team of 3 + 3 reserves)
- Petanque (2 teams of 3 + 1 reserve)
- Ultimate Frisbee (team of 7 players + 3 reserves)
- Beach Volleyball (team of 4 players + 2 reserves)
Make sure you take part in this yearly awesome event!
Make sure to put this event in your agenda to not miss it!
- Location: Amsterdam - USC Sportcentrum Universum
- Minimum participants: 35
- Maximum participants: 67 (Draw will take place in case of oversubscription via our Domestic Regulations)
- Draw date: Friday 21 March, 15:00