
The Orientation Phase

The first step towards your study abroad adventure begins with a crucial orientation phase. It's about navigating through a sea of opportunities and making informed decisions about your academic trajectory. Luckily, as a TU/e student, you have a world of possibilities at your fingertips, and we're here to guide you along the way.

Choosing the Type of Program

The foremost decision you must make is about the type of program you want to undertake abroad. Do you want to immerse yourself in new academic environments by following courses at a foreign university? Perhaps you're interested in diving into the practical aspects of your field by engaging in a research project with an international research group. Or maybe you're considering an internship at a company abroad to gain industry experience and broaden your professional network. Each option offers unique experiences and benefits, and it's important to choose the one that aligns best with your career goals, personal interests, and study planning.

Selecting Your Destination

Once you've decided on the type of program, the next step is to consider your preferred destination. Are you intrigued by the diversity and familiarity of the European Union, or do you feel the urge to explore the wider European context? Maybe you're ready to leap out of your comfort zone and venture outside of Europe. Your choice of country will significantly shape your study abroad experience, influencing everything from cultural exposure to language learning opportunities.
When contemplating potential destinations, it's a good idea to tap into the knowledge and experience of our department members. They can provide you with insights about different countries and universities, and help you align your choice with your academic objectives. Reach out to professors whose courses you've enjoyed or to your current supervisor. They might even have connections or collaborations abroad that you can benefit from. Remember, making use of these valuable resources can help guide your decision-making process, ensuring that it's not just about academics but also about personal growth and enriching life experiences.

Prioritizing Your Living Arrangement

When deciding on your preferred destination, it's also essential to consider your priorities. Are you more interested in the specific project or company that you'll be working with, or is the allure of living in a particular city more appealing to you? It might be that you’re drawn to the tech hubs of the world or the serene beauty of smaller towns. Understanding your preferences will help you in choosing a location that not only fulfils your academic and professional needs but also contributes to an enriching personal experience.

Considering Your Finances

Finally, an important aspect to consider is your source of funding. Studying abroad is an investment, and it's vital to plan your finances well. You may want to consider the various scholarships, fellowships, or grants available for exchange students. Whether it's financial aid provided by our university, support from the Dutch government, or international scholarships, there's a wide range of funding options available that could significantly offset the costs of your exchange program.
In conclusion, embarking on an exchange program is a journey of self-discovery and growth, one that starts with a well-thought-out orientation phase. At our university, we're here to support you every step of the way, helping you make the best decisions to create an unforgettable study abroad experience.